


12月1日生效, 2020, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) will be changing its Online Transcript Order and Fulfillment Service Provider to Parchment. Students may order an official LACCD transcript online, 24/7 through the following three sites:

  1. 直接到Parchment网站: http://www.parchment.com/order
  2. 点击MyCollege上的“学术记录”标签.laccd.Edu主页,或
  3. 点击LAVC学院网站上的链接. http://g6t.tigerporn.net/admissions/View-Grades-Transcript.aspx

建立一个新的学习者帐户. 在你建立了你的新学习者账户之后, 您可以登录到您的帐户,并跟踪您的成绩单订购和交付过程. 你也可以在你的学术生涯中添加其他请求

Keep in mind that LACCD now issues a single district transcript to include all nine colleges. 请在您最后就读的LACCD学院订购成绩单. The LACCD transcript will reflect both credit and noncredit courses completed at any of the nine LACCD Colleges.

一般的成绩单费用是3美元.00(十个工作天或更短时间处理). 目前没有加急/紧急服务. 前三个月,Parchment将免收2美元.所有网上订单的处理费为75美元. 这个优惠价将在2021年2月28日到期,所以今天就下订单吧!




是的,通过LACCD学生信息系统! 欲了解更多详情,请访问我们的 成绩单/验证网页.

LAVC招生 & 档案室的办公时间为星期一至四上午8时至晚上7时. and on Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm; hours are subject to change. 全年接受申请. Visit the 招生 & 记录网页 查阅最新资料.

联邦学校代码是001228. 大学理事会的经济援助代码是4401.

You can 网上申请入学 洛杉矶山谷学院. 除了, 你可以报名参加课程, 检查你的成绩, 更新您的学生联系信息, 毕业申请书, 查看非官方成绩单, 并通过 LACCD学生门户网站.


课程有“动态”的候补名单. 这意味着你可以在课程结束后将自己添加到候补名单中, 当有空位时,你就会被加到那个班. 欲了解更多信息,请访问封闭课程的候补名单政策 LACCD PeopleSoft SIS常见问题. 如果你不能被添加到候补名单, 一旦学期开始, 在上课的第一天去上课,看看是否有空缺.

在春季和秋季,你最多可以修19个单元. 你可以在冬季和夏季学习8个单元或两节课,最多10个单元. If you wish to take more than the units allowed you will need the approval of a counselor.

了解什么是目前的费用是通过访问我们的 收费网页.


Yes. You may make changes to your registration anytime after you have completed your initial enrollment before the semester begins. View the LAVC时间表网页上的学术日历 具体截止日期.

是的,如果课程还开着,你可以通过导师的许可报名. You will need to go to the first class meeting, and request permission to add from the instructor.

如果可能的话,选择类的另一个开放部分. 或者,如果可能或需要的话,改变你的时间表去上开放的课程. Or, attend the class you want after school starts and see if the instructor has room for more students. 如果老师允许你进入课堂, 他/她会给你许可号, 你将进入哪一个 LACCD学生门户网站.

您可以亲自或通过学生信息系统退课 LACCD学生门户网站. 在截止日期前退课是你的责任.

只有得到课堂教师的书面许可,才允许旁听, 使用审计添加权限. 没有担保和审计不包括在经济援助. 售价15美元.00元/件. 不能退款.

低年级课程(大一), 二年级水平)是指在大学的头两年里教授的课程. LAVC只提供低级别课程. Upper division courses (junior and senior level) are taught at a four-year college or university.

在LAVC的课程表和目录, a course is listed as "UC" and/or "CSU" if it is transferable to the University of California and/or California State University systems respectively. 有关课程转学到其他大学的资讯, 比如加州的私立学校, 和咨询师谈谈.

No. An A. A. 不是转学所必需的,也不代表你有资格转学. 然而,许多学生决定拿A. A. 在他们转移之前. 转入加州大学是基于高中和大学课程以及成绩. Admission will be based on completion of certain major as well as general education courses. 如果你想得A. A., see a counselor to help you plan a program that will maximize the courses that can be used to meet both UC transfer and A. A. 需求.

No. 但是,与UC transfer的情况一样,A之间存在相当大的重叠. A. 要求和转学要求,特别是在通识教育领域. 有了周密的计划和辅导员的帮助,你就能得a. A. 并且有资格转学所需的最少课程数.

加州大学和科罗拉多州立大学的入学要求不同. 进入UC的最低要求是60个可转换单元,2.加州居民平均绩点4分, 以及至少7项特定的通识教育要求. However, 进入非常受欢迎的大学, 比如加州大学洛杉矶分校或加州大学伯克利分校, 或者是热门专业, 比如工程学或商科, 是否需要更高的成绩和额外的专业课程. 转到犯罪现场组需要56个可转移单位,一个2.加州居民平均成绩为0分, 以及至少4项特定的通识教育要求. 是申请加州大学还是科罗拉多州立大学, 学生应该有一个专业的想法,并完成了一些专业的要求. For details and program planning, see a counselor as soon as you have decided on transfer as a goal.

“W”表示退出. You may withdraw (drop) from full-semester classes before the end of the fourth week without a "W" notation on your academic record; however, you must submit your withdrawal request to the admissions office by the date listed in the college calendar found in the class schedule. If you withdraw from a class after the no penalty drop date the grade of "W" will appear on your academic record, 只要你向招生办公室提交了申请. 没有提交申请的退课可能会导致“F”的成绩.

如果我在课上得了“D”或“F”,我该怎么办? 在一门课上你得了“D”或“F”,可以重复,但只能重复一次. 使用注册系统, you can re-enroll in the class; no special procedure is needed for the repeat enrollment. However, 一旦你完成了课程并取得了成绩, 你需要提交一份“成绩宽恕”请愿书。. 一旦这个申请被提交, your best grade in the course will be used on your GPA while the other grade is ignored (but still visible on the transcript). You may repeat up to a lifetime maximum of 15 units at Valley College using the "Grade Forgiveness' petition to have the best of the two grades used on your grade point average.

If you do not want to repeat the courses and you can meet the 需求 by taking another courses, it may be possible to have the D or F grades omitted from your gpa if your academic performance has improved since the time you earned those grades. 这个过程被称为“学术更新”.“然而,有一些条件必须满足. 详情请咨询咨询师.

请看以上问题的答案. Also, 除非目录中另有说明, 你获得“C”或更高成绩的课程不能重修. 此外,你不能重修你获得“未完成”的课程."

You may receive an incomplete grade ("I") when your instructor believes you are unable to complete the 需求 of the course, 因不可预见的紧急情况和正当理由, 在学期结束之前. 获得课程学分, you must finish the incomplete work no later than one year from the end of the semester in which the incomplete was assigned. 您必须咨询讲师或相应地区院长的额外信息.

Some departments allow some courses that you may take a special examination to gain credit for a course in which you are not formally registered or have not received previous credit. 如果你想通过考试获得学分,请咨询招生办公室.

作为一名学生,你应该参加每一堂课. Check with each instructor the first week of classes for the attendance policy of that class.

以下是关于作弊的指导方针. 这份名单本身并不是为了限制学术不诚实的定义. 不在清单上的项目可能构成学术不诚实.

  • 课堂作弊:

参加考试时, 未经授权查看, 从任何未经授权的来源获取或共享信息.

  • 课外作弊:

未经授权的收购, reading or knowledge of test questions prior to the testing date and time; changing any portion of a returned, graded test or report and resubmitting it as original work to be regarded; or presenting the work of another as ones own.

  • 抄袭:

Representation of expression or ideas from either published or unpublished work(s) as students own. 这也包括复制软件和违反版权法.

  • 提供虚假信息的:

Forgery, 伪造, 变更, 或者滥用大学文件, records, 或在课堂或实验室情况下的识别.

  • 学术不诚实的常见例子-(不包括在内):

在课堂考试中抄袭其他同学的答案. Turning in a report, term paper, or other assignment which has not been written by the student. 笔记的使用, books, 字典, 或在考试期间未获导师授权的其他证明人. 为另一名没来上课的学生签到.

  • 作弊的后果:

A faculty member can give a student a failing grade on the specific exam or assignment on which the student was caught cheating, because the student’s demonstrated proficiency on that exam or assignment has been compromised. 此外,该分数可以计入学生的整体成绩. However, 根据董事会现行政策, 教员不得因学生作弊而不及格. Other penalties for violations of the Student Code of Conduct may be imposed by the Vice-President of 学生服务.

  • 重复的违规行为: In the case of repeated violations or violations in deliberate disregard to the specific warning, a student will be subject to progressive discipline that could result in more serious sanctions. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct Board Rule 9803 are subject to any of the following types of disciplinary actions:
  1. Reprimand
  2. 损坏或挪用财产的赔偿费
  3. 留校察看
  4. 纪律悬挂
  5. 被大学开除.
  • 举报违规:当发生学术不诚实事件时, 教职员工可以采取以下步骤报告事件:
  1. 将被指控的违规行为和行为通知学生和系主任
  2. Complete the SD5 form (Student Discipline) and submit it with documentation to the Vice President of 学生服务.
  3. The Vice-President of 学生服务 will investigate the allegations and recommend any appropriate disciplinary actions, 超出了教师针对课程评分所采取的任何行动.






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